Tuesday, 5 November 2013

The Art of Setting Expectations

‘’ Be fearless, get out of your comfort zone, value yourself no matter what and don’t quit’’ Dragos Roua
To me this means having the end in mind. Having expectations in itself freaks me out especially when it comes to friendships and relationships. I guess I have failed severally here and paranoia took over.Our goals will not bear fruits if we do not have expectations,that picture we visualize of the business we want to set up,that home we want to build,that car we want to buy;those right there are expectations.I realize the reason many goals and dreams die underachieved is having our expectations upside down.

Inspired-impact.com (http://inspired-impact.com/node/6) says that expectations are often the launch pad to the level of achievement we obtain in our lives. Expectations that are set too high can leave us burdened with a sense of failure, frustration and under achievement.Expectations that are set too low can hold us back from realizing our full potential and positively impacting the lives of those closest to us as well as others.Great expectations are those that draw on a number of factors that positively influence us various ways. Our circumstances,our abilities, our beliefs and values all contribute one way or another to the expectations we set for ourselves as do our past experiences and attitude to life.

So the next time you evaluate your life and the goals you have set for yourself or you got a project you have to fore see,here are steps you can follow to manage and set your expectations.

Define the roles: To achieve something several things need to be done. Hence define what you need to do at any particular time. Have clear guidelines on who should do what with laid down time frames.
Articulate the Anticipated Outcomes: Brainstorm on the various possibilities, understand the expected end results.

Discuss possible roadblocks:Have an understanding of the challenges expected in achieving desired results. It’s normally dangerous to start a project expecting a smooth sail only to meet a storm after the first mile, some people actually give up.
Clarify the jargon:Professional words and ideologies if not clarified could mean different things to different people. Remember that word banker’s use when selling loans, for example grace period for loan repayment may be interpreted differently by individuals, hence remember to demystify the terms used to make sure you as an individual understands what  you are dealing with or if in a team then all members speak the same language.

Appreciate the baby steps: They say the journey of a 1000 miles stand with one step.Gradual progress through life or a project takes us to the desired place. Small achievements make up the success of a project.

Remember to achieve anything you got to go one step at time,do not be held back by the fear of failure,you got to leave your comfort zone,go beyond your self esteem,and embrace self discipline.

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